
A link to the past hookshot
A link to the past hookshot


A few games include upgraded variations to the regular Hookshot. Over the years, the Hookshot has been redesigned many times, but the concept remains the same. In A Link Between Worlds, the Hookshot gains some additional use as it can also be used to grapple onto switches as well as wooden walls, which Link can then quickly merge with. In said game, the Hookshot can also be aimed by moving the Nintendo 3DS. In Ocarina of Time 3D, the laser dot is surrounded by an extra red ring when the Hookshot is pointed at a viable object. In Ocarina of Time, the Hookshot also produces a laser light used for aiming the Hookshot. In these games, objects that can be grappled onto are usually marked with a bulls eye target. In the 3D console games, the 3D environment makes greater use of the Hookshot as it can also be used to reach higher or lower heights. It is often used to pull Link over pits and unsafe hazards. In 2D Zelda games, the Hookshot will latch onto specific solid objects that stand in either of the four cardinal directions, and can include blocks, chests, specific stones, or pots. Other enemies, such as Like Likes, will instead pull Link towards them when hit by the Hookshot, which can potentially hurt Link or threaten his other items.

a link to the past hookshot

In most cases, attacking an enemy with the Hookshot will only stun them, but some weaker enemies such as Keese will be defeated when hit with the Hookshot. In addition, the Hookshot can also be used as a replacement for the Boomerang by allowing Link to grab far away objects (like hard to reach Rupees or out of reach switches) and attack enemies. The Hookshot is used most commonly to grapple onto far away objects so that Link can reach previously inaccessible areas.

However, while these two Hookshots are not found in water dungeons, the Longshot in Ocarina of Time, which is the upgrade to the original Hookshot, can be found in the Water Temple. In some games however, especially Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, the Hookshot is instead not found inside a dungeon, but can rather in Dampé's Grave and Pirates' Fortress, respectively. It is also often required to defeat the dungeons' bosses. The Hookshot is usually guarded by the dungeon's mini-boss, and often becomes necessary to navigate the remainder of these dungeons it is found in.

A recurring trend in the series is that the Hookshot is typically found inside water-themed or flooded dungeons, such as the Swamp Palace in A Link to the Past, or Catfish's Maw in Link's Awakening. The Hookshot is almost always found inside dungeons. Link can also use it to pull enemies and objects towards him. If the hook latches onto certain objects, Link is projected towards that object. When used, the chain extends and sends then hook which is attached to it. It is a machine, consisting of a chain and hook.

a link to the past hookshot a link to the past hookshot

The Hookshot is a recurring item in The Legend of Zelda series, its first appearance was in A Link to the Past.

A link to the past hookshot